Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Standard

I was walking around the East Village today, taking pictures, as I do, when I passed by a relatively new hotel on Third Avenue and East 5th Street, called The Standard.

The name of the hotel is upside down, which is anything but standard!

This is the view through their front door:

This is an alleyway leading to a restaurant called Narcissa, beside the hotel. "Farm to table"!

The restaurant is named after a character from the Harry Potter movies, Narcissa Malfoy.

This is a shot of the inside, taken from their web site:

I should go in next time. Taking pictures of the insides of restaurants is part of what I want to do here.

These people were in the garden beside the hotel:

On the 5th Street side was some sort of statue and some hangy things:

And! Some guy, sitting in a chair. I don't know if he works there, or is a guest, or what. He was just sitting there, with his back to the window, never a good thing to do.

#eastvillage #5thstreet #hotel #narcissa #thestandard #thirdavenue

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