Monday, May 25, 2015

A Day of Music

Yesterday was certainly a day of music in the East Village!

In the morning, I heard a marching band make its way down Avenue D. I was in bed and didn't feel like getting up to take a picture, so I don't have a picture!

Later, when I set out with my camera, I discovered the drumming circle outside Casa Adela, part of the unofficial Avenue C Street Fair.

Then there was the Memorial Day Punk Rock Extravaganza, in Tompkins Square Park.

Finally, I saw this, in El Jardin del Paraiso, on East 4th Street:

Peace and Love Band.

I think they call themselves the Peace and Love Band. It was mostly African music, but incorporated a didgeridoo:


This guy was the John Coltrane of the didgeridoo — he was getting sounds out of this I didn't know were possible! Then again, I'm not a didgeridoo expert.

Yes, it was a day of music… in the East Village Today… yesterday!

#eastvillage #eljardindelparaiso #musicians #4thstreet

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