Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Violet, The Night Before

As I wrote last week, preparations are afoot to shoot another installment of A.K.A. Jessica Jones in the East Village!

I walked down Avenue B yesterday evening after work, to see what was happening.  First, the sign:

The sign.

A one-time simulated explosion! An air cannon with debris! Atmospheric smoke and/or fog! Right here in the heart of the East Village! Who could ask for more?!

Most of the excitement will occur at the beloved Vazac's, a faux-dive bar on Avenue B and East 7th Street.

Here is a preview:

Unfortunately, I won't be able to be downtown tonight until about 7:30. I sure do hope they don't simulate the explosion before I get there!

* * *

As a side note: I found out that last month, the "A.K.A." was dropped from the name, leaving it: Marvel's Jessica Jones. I will continue to use the "A.K.A.", however.

East Villagers love aliases!

#eastvillage #vazacs #jessicajones #avenueb #7thstreet #onetimesimulatedexplosion #aircannonwithdebris #atmosphericsmokeandorfog

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