Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Even More About Tree Guards

Earlier today, I showed how East Villagers go about stringing up their tree guards to keep dogs from pooping in the tree bed.

These are even odder — inside the tree guard is… another tree guard!

Let's take a look, shall we?

This one, on Avenue A, has an elevated, inner tree guard — a pretty flimsy-looking one, at that:

Elevated, inner tree guard.

This one, on East 12th Street, could have been in my even earlier post about decrepit tree guards:

Decrepit tree guard, with inner tree guard.

This is an inner tree guard without an outer tree guard, on East 7th Street. What's the point?

No outer tree guard.

This one, on East 3rd Street, has no inner tree guard, and no outer tree guard, but it does have caution tape!

Caution tape.

That's it for now!

#eastvillage #12thstreet #3rdstreet #7thstreet #avenuea #cautiontape #treeguards

1 comment:

  1. maybe those are not to keep the dogs out? maybe they are supposed to keep the trees in? they must be working, because i see very few trees on the loose.

